Monday, September 14, 2009


If I could have a super power I would choose the power of flying. If I could fly, I would be able to get to places faster. I could travel to any place I wanted to and whenever. Also, during heavy traffic periods I could just fly over all the vehicles faster and get to my destination on time. Flying would also be helpful if someone was stuck in a high burning building and needed to get out immediatly. I could just fly up there carefully and rescue them. So if I could choose a superpower to have I would choose flying.


  1. Oh! That would be so helpful! I think if you were the only one who could fly though, some people would either take advantage of that, or exclude you, you know what I mean? Maybe not, but it definately could happen. The flying over traffic, thing is a really strong point, because we have all been there and it is so annoying when your stuck in traffic. I like this superpower alot :)

  2. Having the ability to fly would be great! You've expanded well on this point. Your insight and personal connection helps to create interest in readers. Next time, add even more points into your paragraph. Good job!
