Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Road Less Traveled

It is very important to be passionate about your job. This is the job that you could possibly be doing most your life. Talking to a school counsellor, he said that he met very many adults that went through for example medical school, but had a passion for art from the start. All those years at medical school were wasted when they could have been doing something that was more passionate to them. This shows how many people really want to be something that they are not then go back to the thing that was more passionate to them and felt right to them.

One day I can see myself being a dentist and having my own practice. I would love to help people out there have a nice smile and be more confident with themselves. To get there I would have to go to school for about 3 years before applying to dentistry school. But who knows, maybe in those three years I will become interested in something else. Never know!

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